So, I know, its January and month 6 was in October, but there have been a lot of changes going on around here. And I'm lazy. Unfortunately I didn't keep very good track of what went on when, so this will be a brief synopsis based on my memory, which roughly resembled swiss cheese at this point. But here goes!
So I had previously been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I knew I didn't have it, but I went along with it until I could prove otherwise, which I got the chance to do. I finally insisted that I have a second test. The second test consists of going to the lab first thing in the morning, getting my blood drawn and then drinking this really nasty glucose stuff. I had to sit there for an hour and get my blood drawn again. As if the beverage wasn't bad enough, it gave me the worst reflux and I could do nothing about it. I then had to sit there for another hour and get my blood drawn again. At this point I wasn't sure if I was going to get sick from a mixture of reflux and hunger or pass out from exhaustion, boredom and hunger. But my discomfort and annoyance was not wasted, for a passed the test with flying colors!! SEE!!! I told you so!! I'm not diabetic. Suck it!!
So I no longer had to deal with all the testing and monitoring what I eat. Freedom at last! More importantly, I was right and I like that. :) The one good thing about eating that way is that I didn't gain any weight in the month, so the sage femme couldn't give me a hard time again about gaining weight!
Work was getting a little bit tougher. The hardest part is that I work by myself during the day, so if something needs to be done, its on me. Carrying all the stuff up from the basement was getting a bit harder, especially since I couldn't just pile it all on and run up the stairs. I did have some help by Paul and the guys in the kitchen. Even the owners would pitch in by taking down chairs and doing anything I needed if I was stuck while they were around. It was great. I love my job. The customers were even understanding and not as demanding. The sage femme asked if I wanted to stop right then, in mid October. I had set my goal as the end of November and was determined to make it until then. How crazy it is that I have the possibility of having off work from October? Crazy! Back home, as a waitress, you have to work right until the baby is crowning!
Halloween came around. I was excited to use my belly as part of my costume. The only problem was that I had to work that day, so it had to be work friendly. So no bun in the oven costume or funny partner costumes, like nun and priest. But, I could use belly paints!! So Farmer and pumpkin it is!! Thanks to Octavia, I had a perfectly drawn pumpkin on my belly!!!
Halloween 2012
So, after this picture was taken, and my shift ended, I immediately headed home to help Robbie and all of his co workers move us into our new apartment. It was also Robbie's last day at the job he has had since we moved here. No more asbestos!!! It was a very hectic week for us, to say the least.
I will get into the apartment later. In the meantime, we had gone to a Message event called a bring and buy. Essentially it was a big indoor flea market, but geared specifically towards moms. So everything there was for kids or moms. It was the best thing ever for parents. They had everything you could need. We weren't sure what we wanted or needed, so we were pretty relaxed about it, but there were some serious shoppers there!! I did get knocked around a bit, just like any normal flea market back home. I now regret taking it so easy, but we just didn't know where we were going to be living, how much space we were going to have and what we even needed as some people were offering us things and we didn't know what we were being given. But, i did score some good deals. I got a shit load of maternity clothes for like 15 Euro. I got one of those scarf, baby holder thingys and a playmat for the floor. I can't wait for the next one!
As for me, I was really feeling pretty great. I see what they mean that the second trimester is the best. I was absolutely loving being pregnant. There are the frills, like people being nicer, getting seats on public transport, and skipping the queues at shops and in toilets. But I was really enjoying having a person growing inside of me. I was flying, as Robbie would say. I was finally starting to feel something going on inside. Not a whole lot, but enough to know that all was well in there. I don't know how to describe it, but I just love being pregnant! A girl from my bank, Michelle, said that to me once and I thought she was crazy, but I stand corrected. I never would have thought I would ever say it myself, but its true.
We had our second echographie (sonogram). We always tell them first thing that we do not want to know the sex. And they are very good about it. I learned a hard lesson that day: NEVER eat right before getting a sonogram. She had a hard time finding all the parts she needed to see, Spud is apparently a bit surly and likes to hide. So the tech had to really dig and push and rearrange all of my organs to find everything. I really believed I was either going to vomit to shit myself right there on the table. I started getting queasy and sweating. Robbie looked at me and saw it right away. He got me out of my sweater and tried to help me calm down. I didn't do either, in case you were worried. But I will never eat again before any doctor visit again!!I was also a bit miserable because she had my laying on the table in such a way that I could not see the screen at all without craning my neck all the way to the right and back. So I essentially saw nothing and wanted to die, so I can't say it was the best thing ever! But at least I have the DVD!
I like this one as it looks like Spud is smiling. After she was done, I was still lying on the table recovering from the internal trauma she inflicted. Robbie looks at the screen and his face drops a bit. "I think I know the sex now" he says. "What?! I don't want to know!" I reply. Then there's a bit of a pause. "Well, I either know the sex of the baby, or that's your information up there" he says all nonchalantly. "Well that's just great!! Now I know the sex, you tit!" I yell at him. So, to be sure, he clarifies with the tech that the info on the screen is in fact MY info, so we did find out that I am a girl. At least we have proof now, if it ever comes into question. So we dodged that bullet and are still blissfully in the dark. (As much as that annoys the shit out of some of you!)
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