Monday, September 3, 2012

Sure glad THAT's over!!!

So, here we are in the second trimester.  I tell you I am glad that first bit is behind me!  I really was beginning to wonder what is was that women love so much about being pregnant.  But now, I am beginning to get it.  Just within the last week, my belly has popped out.  I am assuming it is mostly baby, as I am not a big person with little torso room to spare.  I won't question it and will just go with my "gut" (couldn't resist the pun) thinking that it is all baby poking out.

This is the bit I have been waiting for!!  I can start wearing clothes that show off the bump!  I can walk around proudly having my belly out farther than my boobs and know that those are looks of love and understanding.  Well, that's what I thought I'd be getting, anyway.  Most people just don't bother to notice and pay me all the lavish attention.  I would even be happy with the knowing smile and nod.  But I have gotten more than one blatent stares.  Not just standing and staring, oh no, one girl was walking past me as I waited for the metro and could NOT take her eyes off my midsection.  As if I had an advertisement written there!  Same thing a few days later.  I was getting on the metro and another girl watched me walk past her and continued to turn in her seat and watch me take a seat behind her.  Have these women never seen a pregnant woman in their lives?  Could that not at least follow the stare with an acknowledging smile and nod?   Nope!  I'll let them go.  Because the flip side, I have now had to men get up on the metro to give me their seats.  Not the first men to see me on the metro, but they got up anyway, without me having to ask.  So that was cool.  One guy waved me down from across the train!  I'll take that!  Here is what my adorable belly looks like at 4 months:

We had our first appointment with the midwife yesterday.  So it looks as though I will be seeing them once a month for the rest of the time.  I get to choose whether or not I want my GP to follow me as well.  I just figure its easier for me to keep it all in one place so there is no question as to whether I forgot to bring this result or that measurement, or whatever.  That's the other thing I am not sure I mentioned yet.  Here, you are responsible for your medical records as much as the doctor is.  You are expected to keep your own records of everything.  When I get blood work done, they give me 2 sets of results, one for me and one for the doc.  Same with any other tests, such as lady "exams".  Which to sidetrack even more,  the funniest thing happened the first time I had one of those done here.  She took the sample, put it in the little vial, popped it into an envelope and handed it to me!!  Yup!  If this was CSI, we would be concerned about possible contamination of evidence and the evidence wouldn't be admissible in court.  But, nope, its all good.  You add your check to the envelope and send it off to the lab.  You then get the results back in a couple of days.  Takes some getting used to.  So, back to the record keeping.  I have my own dossier of all my test results and prescriptions and such.  I just keep them in a folder and take them around with me.  I like it because if there is ever a question, or I need to see another doctor, I have all my stuff and don't have to go back to my doc to ask for and pay for copies.

So, back to the midwife (sage femme) appointment.  Since this was the first one, it was mostly all background info for me and Robbie.  I am so glad he can come to these appointments.  Then, after the question and answer, I got on the table and got to hear Spud's heart beat again!  Its funny, becasue just that morning I started to have those thoughts like "How do I know if everything is ok in there if I can't feel any kicking?"  I didn't even have to say that, she just went for a listen.  That was cool!!  We schedules my next scan for mid October.  So Spud will be making another appearance then.  We asked her about our upcoming trip, just to make sure it was ok for me to travel.  (Not that I would have cancelled!!)  But she said its fine, I just have to wear those silly socks while on the plane.  What?!  I don't want to roll up into the airport in Rome wearing those things! Looks like I'll be wearing a maxi dress on the plane!  I know, I know!! Its very important and I will wear them, just hidden under a very long dress.  The good about living here, I have a prescription for them, so I will not have to pay for it all myself!!  I will get reimbursed for the money I spend on them.  I love France!

The only bit of bad news I got actually came today.  She forgot to mention that my sugar levels were a bit high from my blood test, so I have to take another appointment this week.  I really hope I don't have gestational diabetes.  I know its not the end of the world, but the last thing I want to deal with is yet another food restriction.  BOOOOO!!!!

Speaking of food, I love food.  I haven't had any particularly weird food cravings.  Unless you count the cravings for food I can not possibly procure here in France.  I really want a pit beef sandwich.  Like I can taste it, I want it so bad.  I can see the smoke from Boog's grill and smell the inside of the Canopy shop in Catonsville.  But there is no substitute.  Same goes for the fresh cut fries.  I have found a way to duplicate the Taco Bell bean burrito, thanks to a little help from Annie on her last visit.  She brought me refried beans and Taco Bell hot sauce, which I am happy to see they sell in stores now.  I also can't get a good, ole MD crab, smothered in Oldbay  with a side of corn on the cob oozing with butter.  Not gonna happen.  Give up the dream.  I also have had a hankerin for some fried chicken.  Good thing there are KFC's here.  I know what you are thinking, but look, a pregnant woman has gots to eat what she wants to eat, so there you go.  And, I must say, the quality of food here is a bit better than back home.  I think they have higher standards here.  The colonel's recipe does the trick.  Other than that, I haven't sent Robbie out at 3 am for pickles and ice cream.  I actually haven't had any cravings for sweets at all!  Which is super odd for me.  I can't get enough of salt.  I also am really diggin on cherry tomatoes and apples.

All in all, so far so good.  The second trimester is going better than the first.  My only ailments now are headaches and I was woken up the other morning by a massive leg cramp.  I have heard I have more of those to look forward to, especially since I work on my feet.   I can take it, especially if they all time themselves with my physical therapy appointments, like this one did!!  I figured, if I'm going to be woken up like that, at least its on a day I can have someone work it out.  I am going to start the prenatal yoga when we get back from Italy.  I think that should help a lot with my legs.  I also have cut down the amount of full days that I work.  I'm down to 3 full days, with the possibility of working a few hours on other days, as needed.

That's all I have for you now.  Hope everyone is doing well!!  Thanks for reading!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay to the icky part being over and the fun part beginning! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the extra sugar tests came back fine and that you had a wonderful vacation (full of baby-bump photo opportunities, plus Rome, of course). The blog is great - keep it up! Can't wait to hear about/see the scans next month :) And, most of all, so glad to hear that the care here is good. Not surprised, but always nice to be reassured :) xoxo
